Exams are included in all tiers except basic. For example, a standard or premium subscription provides five first attempts for five different exams and retakes for all five. For example, you could take the EX200 Red Hat Certified System Administrator exam twice and the EX294 Red Hat Certified Engineer exam twice, and you still would have three first attempts for three different exams left, plus you could retake three of those if needed. Let’s say you needed two attempts to pass the EX200 RHCSA® exam but passed the EX294 RHCE® exam in one attempt. You would have three first attempts for three different exams left, plus you could retake three of those if needed. Subscribers of the premium and standard tier can take up to five unique exams and can retake any of those five exams in the event they do not successfully pass. Exams must be completed during the duration of their subscription.